We are fortunate to have an active committee who are passionate about all things toys!
It takes a lot of help to keep things running smoothly. New committee members are always needed and welcomed at any time of the year. Our main committee drive occurs in August, as positions are allocated at our Annual General Meeting in September. If you are interested in joining the committee, please mention it to a committee member when you visit the toy library, or contact us.
Committee Roles
Coordinates organisation, understands others’ roles in toy library. Ensures the committee decision-making reflects the organisations objectives. Motivates and inspires members and committee. Facilitates regular meetings once a month.
Vice President
Assists President with coordinating the organisation.
Works with president on compiling agenda items. Collects mail, monitors email and informs committee on all correspondence. Responsible for filing minutes and correspondence.
Banks money. Pays bills. Maintains cashbook. Produces financial statements monthly. Prepares a budget estimate six monthly. Prepares books for auditing. Notifies office of fair-trading of AGM and submits audited books.
Coordinates rosters for the year. Maintains an updated list of current members on the database. Approves membership request and monitors expired and outgoing members. Assists stocktake coordinator with member allocations.
Organises toy buying, cataloguing and packaging. Takes photos of new toys. Identifies members’ needs for toy purchasing in accordance with the toy library policy and refers recommendations to the toy buying committee.
Toy Maintenance
Makes sure toys are safe, complete and in good working order. Organises spare parts and repairs. Liaises with cataloguer.
Fundraising and Grants
Plans and organises fundraising events. Identifies grants, coordinates applications and completes reporting and acquittals to relevant grants.
IT & Database Manager
Oversees the smooth running of the database, website & IT (such as laptops, tablets, mobile phone and PayPal) of the toy library.
Produces four e-newsletters a year.
Social Media
Manages the Toy Library social media accounts (Facebook and Instagram) and liaises closely with Promotion & Marketing to promote the toy library on social media.
Promotion and Marketing
Assists in the continued promotion and marketing of the toy library. Responsible for the marketing strategy, management of the brand, promotion via traditional media outlets, as well as developing and disseminating brochures, flyers and posters within the community. Works closely with Social Media manager to ensure the BCTL has maximum social media presence.
Events and Community Partnerships
Coordinates toy library events (such as our open day and messy play days). Is the liaison and coordinator for any community events that the toy library attends.
General Committee
Participates in committee decision making. Attends monthly committee meeting where possible. Runs duty session.
Duty Coordinator
Runs toy library duty session (average 1 duty /2 hours per month). Has keys to access the toy library.